A couple of weeks ago I recovered our disgusting kitchen chairs in this cute oilcloth stripe I found at our cute local store. I’ve been so happy with them, but finding a tablecloth to match has been a little tricky. I found one at Target that works okay, but there was definitely room for improvement. I looked for the coordinating fabric in a non-laminated version, and found some on sale (!) on Etsy. Bingo! I totally love the floral–totally looks like a tablecloth from the 50s. Now the only problem is deciding how to do them, if I want to keep large pieces and do just a 4″ border around the edge or if I should do something patchwork. I’m so in love with those florals I’ll have a hard time cutting into them. I’m hoping to get two reversible tablecloths out of this fabric, so four designs total.
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

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Hi! I'm Traci. I'm a Registered Nurse who loves quilting, knitting, cross stitch, and the great outdoors. In my pre-scrubs life, I owned Real Photography, and you can still see my old wedding and portrait photography site here .
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Mom - Love it! (Think Meryl Streep feeding baby in Heartburn)
Laurie - Hi Traci-
Sorry to be lame and comment on your post in response to your comment on my blog – but I couldn’t figure out another way to contact you! I do love Nicey Jane – and the chair looks great. I would vote for large patchwork squares- keep it simple so that you can enjoy the look of the fabric designs.
You asked about my Good Folks quilt on my blog – that fabric is not voile – so it was very easy to work with. I bought a teeny bit of the Little Folks voile – but there is no way I am going to quilt with it. Too slippery, expensive, etc. But wait till November – Anna Maria Horner’s new line is coming out in a quilting weight cotton (wooohhoooo!) as well as voile and velveteen.