I have a bunch of projects from late last week to share. We’ve had a bit of a whopper of a month. In addition to Nic’s concussion after falling down the stairs, I dropped my camera and lens down a set of stairs and broke the lens in half, Nic totaled his Jeep two days before Christmas, and Will spilled a glass of water last week and fried my laptop to the tune of a $1200 repair. To quote my father’s favorite phrase, we are hemorrhaging money. So it feels a bit like the universe has it out for us and I’m more than a little scared about what is around the bend.
Anyway…without my laptop the downloading and uploading pictures process doesn’t happen quite as often or quickly, since I have to go to the office and do it versus getting to do it while doing 18 other tasks downstairs.
On Thursday I finished the last of the aprons from what I will forever think of as the 2010 Apron Extravaganza. I’d cut the fabric for this after doing the second or third apron, thinking how much I loved the pattern and how much Will would love it if I had a Dr Seuss apron. I didn’t consider that by the time all the gifts were made I might be seriously sick of sewing aprons. So it took a little while and I dragged it out, but it’s done, and cute, and Will already borrowed it.
Christie, Describe Happy - Sending lots of good thoughts after your last few posts. Those yuck things seem to travel in packs, but so do the good things. Hope things turn around — and seriously I still can’t get enough of your aprons as crazy as that sounds! *hugs*