In spite of the clothing/apron/accessories posts around here, I swear that I still quilt! Proof is right here….
The binding has been attached to the quilt and for the last two days I’ve been trucking away at handsewing it to the back (my least favorite part of the process). Will loves to sit on the sofa with me and watch tv, so I’ve been using binding as an excuse to snuggle up to my sweetie for an hour or so every night. I figure at this rate it should be done Monday or Tuesday. I’m so excited to toss it in the wash and watch it wrinkle up! The binding isn’t my first choice (my first choice would have been the striped scarf sherbet pips fabric–but it won’t be available until April, and my second choice would have been one of the blues) but the only fabric I had enough of for binding was this chartreuse, and it felt like a better choice to go with what I had instead of buying something new. Now that it’s almost done, though, I’m regretting not just getting some more blue–I think blue binding would be sooo pretty on it and I’m worried I’ve not drawn too much attention to the chartreuse!
Here’s a peek at the back. I really love the back:
Kristie at OCD - I love the chartreuse! And the back looks gorgeous. Can’t wait to see the finished product
Vickie - Ack! I love this, Traci!! You have a great eye!
Can’t wait to see the back ‘for real’.
Melissa - Oh no! It seems you always second-guess something on your quilt…but it always looks fabulous in the end! I think it’s awesome, and I love the green.
Raechel - If it helps, before I read your text and just looked at your pictures, I was feeling refreshed by your new take on the sherbet pips collection. I was making a mental note to incorporate that color in mine. It makes it a sherbet pips quilt without looking just like all the others!
Beautiful blog.