My sister was diagnosed last month with breast cancer, and I wanted to give her something special on her first day of chemo. Since she is amazing at hand sewing (applique being her specialty) I wanted to make her a sew together bag! I used the lessons I learned from the first bag and added an additional line of elastic. I unfortunately learned a NEW lesson and in my haste to get this made before we left for Seattle I missed that I oriented one of the zippers incorrectly. Drat.

I used a Heather Ross nursey versery print for the exterior, and though the yellow perfectly matched the yellow in the print, when it all came together I was a little disappointed in that choice. This project is really hard to ‘see’ how the fabrics will end up playing together. Of course I went into my closet the next day and saw the PERFECT fabric in a bag I made with this print previously. I’m pretty sure if I’d seen that fabric while making this bag I would have ripped apart that bag without a second thought! Oh well. Guess I’ll just have to make her a redo eventually with perfect zippers and fabric choices! 😀
Speattle - I think the one zipper orientation can be overlooked in this lovely and thoughtful gift.
I’m so sorry to hear about your sister. My sister in law was just dx’d recently too here in Seattle. Too much of this going around!
My thoughts, good wishes and prayers with your sister for a complete healing and recovery. I’m sure her “making” will be a great comfort to her, and even more so with this beautiful bag.