Happy Easter! (I meant to post this last night but got sucked into changing things up around the blog again.)
Nic is sort of a scrooge about Easter. Well, only one part of Easter: the dyeing egg part. Apparently, he has been this way since before time itself. He says “I don’t understand the point.”
Ummmm….maybe he should have told me this BEFORE we got married. The point of dyeing Easter eggs is that it is AWESOME. Color is good. Making eggs a color is good.
I knew that Will would understand this. The child who plays for hours with all of my different fabric scraps, the child who adores crayons, would surely get the joy of coloring eggs.

What Nic could get behind, though, was an opportunity to try out some of our new lighting accessories. Based on Scott Kelby‘s recommendations, we picked up a few things last week, a justin clamp being one of them. It would have been a teeny bit crazy to stick a light stand up in our small dining area, but this clamped on nicely to our pantry door, providing the perfect spot for an off camera flash:

And so I had two happy boys on Easter evening. One had blue fingers, though.
Posted in Photographer Tips, Toddler Photographer