We got confirmation today that Will is indeed having a baby sister. She will be making her official blog debut in late January (unless she wants to make her momma proud by making her arrival in the 2009 tax year) and you will no doubt be bored to tears by the many newborn poses I’m going to put her through. So get ready. It’s gonna be obnoxious.
At our ultrasound today we had a little surprise–my drs office does the crazy 4d images, so we got to see her little face! (Keep in mind that with Will I was on active duty and military hospitals won’t even give you an ultrasound unless there is something wrong, so the almost monthly ultrasounds I’m getting with this pregnancy [thanks to a medical condition] are quite a novelty!)
At 19.5 weeks a baby is all skin and bones and so she’s definitely just as gross as she is cute, but too bad–I have to share Will’s little sister here anyway!

(I think it’s so cool that you can see the cord coming out of her belly [and then winding up and around her head]!)
I won’t say that “now the shopping can begin!” because I’ve been shopping for the last 5 weeks–from the very moment we heard it was most likely a girl. ;) It just means that now I can throw away receipts! :P
Posted in Personal