Continuing in the “best of 2009” series, here are some of my favorite Turchin family shots this year!

My absolute favorite photo of 2009:


After our trip to Delaware to shoot Ernest and Kim’s wedding, I became a big fan.  Who knew Delaware was so awesome?!



Doing my part on Earth Day


Fell in love with him when I was barely 18, married him before I could legally drink…8 years and 1.9 babies later and he still has the power to make my day with that smile.


Our trip to Disneyland in April was the highlight of the year.  Will is still talking it, wanting to “go on a big jet” back to California.  When we walked out of the airport and he saw the palm trees his eyes got big and he said in total awe: “It’s like a jungle.”  And that was just the airport!


If the magic hour light at the beach doesn’t make you want to drop everything and move to the West Coast, nothing will!


Posted in Family PhotographerPersonal



Dec 26, 2009

We hope you all had a Christmas as wonderful as ours!  Here is a glimpse of our last holiday as “just us three”…

I strung Christmas lights on Will’s bed as a surprise on the 23rd (I was going to wait until Christmas Eve but I suck at waiting).  They were a BIG hit.


I was a little worried I wouldn’t be able to fit into my stripey pajamas, but I channeled my inner Tim Gunn and “made it work.”  (Will’s stripey pajama bottoms ended up going MIA and we had to swap in some different Christmas pajamas.  I’m trying not to cry all over the place about it.)


Will’s one and only request of Santa was for a Hungry Hungry Hippos game to replace his old one that had been broken.  It was the only present he was expecting that day–so it was lucky that he happened to pick that one to open first!


Needless to say, it wasn’t actually the only present he got that morning!


(I never would have guessed that it would be my SISTER who got Will his first gun!  Although considering the vast array of weaponry in his arsenal of swords, light sabers, and the like, a little star wars blaster is probably the least deadly of the bunch…)


This marble works tower from Discovery Toys has been every bit as awesome as I expected (and remembered from my own preschool days).  It’s really fun to build/rebuild tracks with!


And one of the absolute biggest hits was this robot dinosaur from my parents.  If you have a little boy, it’s worth checking out for birthdays/next Christmas.   “Deeno the Dino” as he has been named is very much beloved, and the controller is very well designed and intuitive for the 3 year old set!


And with that, we are off to the zoo!  Enjoy your Christmas weekend!

Posted in Personal


family photos

Dec 05, 2009

I should probably be shot for sharing these before the stacks of other “legitimate” photos I should be blogging, but I LOVE the holidays (I’m a little bit crazy about them) and I love my boys (same thing), so I feel compelled to share pictures from our wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

Nic’s mom, sister, and brother-in-law were in town and my sister-in-law and I took Thanksgiving to new heights.  (As we pretty much always do.)  In fact, we were so awesome that we IMPROVED ON MARTHA.  Thanks to some inadequate recipe reading, we did some improvising on the green bean dish and ended up with something so yummy that I know it’s a new Turchin family tradition!


Recipe for “Martha’s Got Nothin’ on Traci and Heather” Green Beans

Boil green beans and strips of fennel until lightly cooked (the fun part of that will be figuring out what fennel looks like so you can buy it at the grocery store).  Put them in a casserole dish along with half of a pomegranate.  Top with crumbled goats cheese and my beloved traditional onion strings.

Willie enjoyed his sparkling apple cider.  He drank approximately half a bottle.  We spent most of the meal pouring more doses into the tiny celebratory glass I brought out for him. Next year I’m just going to stick a straw in the bottle.  :P


The day after Thanksgiving we made the annual visit to see Santa!  (A huge thanks to my brother-in-law Erik for snapping the shot on the right!!  And the shot on the left is his official Santa shot [shared with release from the mall Santa photo people of course]!)


The first Saturday after Thanksgiving we save for getting our tree at the Colorado Tree Farm (we love them and our trees are always fantastic).  We got the best tree ever and Will and I fought over MY new sock monkey hat!  (I went home and ordered him one of his own.)  :P


And then we headed home to decorate the tree and set up Nic’s old Lionel train set around the base!



Posted in Personal