I had the best of intentions to be a better blogger during my maternity leave–scheduling some baby posts to keep the crickets from chirping too loudly around here. Needless to say, I didn’t do such a good job. I’m trying to be a better blogger, though, and since my two month break from shooting officially ends this weekend, that won’t be hard! But before I get back to posting sneak peeks, here are some of the things I’ve been meaning to share!
Prior to Ellie’s birth, I got a little crazy with the projects. Nothing keeps a woman from sitting around waiting for a baby like some good old fashioned projects! Here are a few of my faves:

Some of you know that before I was a photographer, I was a scrapbooker. (I somehow manage to turn all my hobbies into jobs.) So for Will’s early days and my pregnancy with him he has all of these amazing scrapbook layouts. I knew that Ellie wasn’t going to have that, so I got her this baby book from etsy. I got all of the extra packs so that I could fill the book with journaling and photos and she’d have it just as good as Will, just in a more time friendly format! I love this baby book and highly recommend it. I keep it handy on my desk with a pen and have been jotting down little memories as they came up since the very early days of the pregnancy.

Since we have so many amazing photos from her birth (courtesy of Charlotte Geary Photography), though, I knew I needed to have an album devoted to JUST birth pictures. (For our brides deciding on their flushmount album covers, this is the rothschild cover and it is such a cool purple. I don’t even like purple and I totally adore this cover.)

A few spreads from the album:

Posted in Personal