I’m bumping another best of 2009 post by a day to say: ONE WEEK!
Here’s the “fun pose” from our 5 minute photo shoot Saturday. Fine print: I totally stole this from another photographer, so we can’t take any credit for it. Except for growing the baby–that I claim credit for. And for making Nic take the picture. And for the rad “ferret stripe” down my belly that takes a detour at my belly button. Did that with Will, too (although with Will it showed up much earlier and was much darker)!

As Nic was drawing on my belly (eyebrow pencil–although Nic really wanted to use a permanent pen and let me go to the hospital like that) Will was sooooooo excited. “Can I draw Baby Ellie?!!” he wanted to know. So after we fired off a shot or two we turned the pencil over to him. He ever so carefully added eyebrows and was working on some beautiful newborn hair when the pencil broke. I would have loved to see how he would have finished it all off!
I am crazy excited for him to meet her. Unfortunately because of the hospital’s “swine flu” policy, no kiddos are allowed, so he is going to have to wait even longer than Nic and I…if my current plans fail. (My current schemes involve dressing him up like an old man with a cane, putting him in a carseat box and smuggling him in, or saying “Ummmm–he’s 74. Haven’t you seen Benjamin Button?!”) Today we were running last minute errands and he saw a girl with her younger sister, ran right up to her and asked “Is that your Baby Ellie? I have a baby sister Baby Ellie. Your Baby Ellie is so big. My Baby Ellie is so small. She’s in Mommy’s tummy. I like your Baby Ellie.” Which made me so excited for Ellie to make her way into the world and see what a great big brother is waiting for her!

Anyone want to play “guess what date/time she will arrive?” The person who has the closest guess will win an AMAZING prize. (And by amazing, I mean something like a candy bar. I’m no Pioneer Woman.) Background scoop: Will was either 2 or 5 days early, depending on which of his due dates you go by. And (on a conflicting “but she might be late” note) I won’t induce/strip membranes/etc, so it IS possible that she could be a February baby. But she’d be a fool to wait that long with a big brother as cute as hers waiting on her!
Posted in Maternity Photographer, Personal