We kicked off our engagement portrait season (get ready for lots more sneak peeks in the coming weeks) with Meg and Matt’s engagement portrait session in rural Colorado Springs (otherwise known as Peyton and Falcon). Now, not every couple would get excited when their photographer asked if they would be up for a drive to the middle of nowhere, but Meg and Matt were! And they even brought props! Balloons and records and two dogs, of course!
You might remember them from our wedding contest, and they are just as fun as everyone said. They are a fantastic couple and we wish them the best!
I have lots more I want to share, but since they have been waiting so patiently and Carolyn and Jack already got their sneak peek, I thought I would post these:

It was windy and cold and the mountain shot that we had both hoped for was ruined by a giant hazy cloud (nothing really went as planned this weekend), but Meg and Matt followed me around as I came up with other ideas and we had a great time. Having balloons always helps (and they sweetly sent me home with the balloons for Will–which he loved–thanks guys)!

Cozying it up by the side of a barn. They got plenty of honks. (We were probably the most exciting thing that has happened to Peyton since the Walmart was built in Falcon.)

And this last one I love for the different look–a beautiful sunset feel. (In this version I’ve left the puncture wound on his hand from earlier in the shoot when Meg fell off a rock and somehow Matt ended up injured!)

Thanks for kicking off our engagement season, Meg and Matt (and for spoiling me with goodies–that lemon tea is heavenly)! I’ll most likely be posting more later this week!
Posted in Engagement Portrait Photographer, Grown-ups