
Oct 11, 2007

It is totally unfair that men get to look this good while camping.

portrait of a photographer while camping

Stupid boys and their lack of need for makeup and curling irons.

Posted in Grown-ups


engagement portrait in colorado

I couldn’t wait to get home and proof this one. Brian and Naomi just got engaged.

Brian is our friend Laura’s brother, and we spent the weekend at their family’s cabin in the mountains. It was Brian’s idea to drive to this run-down cabin, and I’m so glad he thought of it. I couldn’t have been more excited when I got out of the car and saw this scene in front of me!

I had a great time taking portraits, but I think the weekend will live on in my memory mostly for the hilarious game of Cranium that we played on Saturday night. The highlight of the event was when three of us were desperately trying to act out “waterbed” only to have everyone keep guessing things like “seizure.”

It was also memorable, because it’s my first large group family portrait without little kids! I love the little ones, but there’s something so thrilling about saying “okay–everyone look at the camera” and having everyone actually do it! :)


And here’s one from my shoot with Shannon, the youngest family member:

senior portrait colorado

Posted in Engagement Portrait PhotographerFamily PhotographerGrown-upsSenior Portrait Photographer


When couples pose, they often ask me what they should do…and I usually end up saying “sit here, and pretend like you like each other.”

This couple had me convinced. :)



Posted in Grown-ups