You may remember that I shared pictures from Gavin’s newborn portrait session a couple of weeks ago–now I get to share pictures from his birthday!  (And yes, we are still hideously behind on blogging…and laundry, but I’m pretty sure you don’t care about the laundry.)

It goes without saying that it is an amazing honor to capture a baby’s birth.  Being with a family at that intensely private time is such a joy.  Those of you that know me know that I’m crazy about birth anyway and not-so-secretly dream of being a midwife when our babies are all grown and gone, so getting to see Gavin enter the world was a special treat!

His parents have graciously allowed me to share most of their images with you, which I am so excited about!  And before I get to sharing them I have to say that Larissa is my birth hero.  When I’m going through labor/delivery in January I will be thinking of her and her strength.

When I had Will, I was in labor for about 5 hours…and I went for the “cry, moan, beg for swift death and generally carry on like a giant sissy” method of non-medicated childbirth.   Larissa was in BACK labor for something like 30 hours and the only negative thing I heard out of her mouth was one utterance of “oh my back.”  Not “I’m going to DIE” or  “I DON’T CARE WHAT I SAID, GIVE ME THAT NUBAIN STUFF!” or “please can’t someone just beam him out of me” (even in my darkest hour I’m still a Trekkie).  It was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen–she was even making little jokes between contractions!  I should get a little bracelet that says WWLD, so that when I’m in the hospital I can try to have one ounce of the strength Larissa has!

If you’d like to see the slideshow, it is here.








Posted in Birth Photographer


Chloe arrived via c-section on the morning of July 13th.  I have wanted to photograph a birth for a long time, so I was very excited that Chloe waited until Monday morning to arrive!  (We had weddings Saturday and Sunday, so her arrival was perfect!)  I wasn’t allowed in the OR, but I was there when she was reunited with her mom for their first real meeting.   I came back again that evening to catch Brandon meeting his baby sister for the first time.  It was so adorable–Brandon is going to be a fantastic big brother!  And I tell you it got me sooo excited for the moment when Will will meet his own baby sister!

Here are a couple of favorites:

Handing Chloe off to Kristy for the first time!


Getting to know her sweet baby!




That afternoon when I returned to the hospital Brandon’s sweet little face as he entered the room was priceless.  He was hesitant at first, but then he rushed up to meet his sister!





I LOVE this shot.  A little boy in the center of his new larger family!



And the slideshow if you are so inclined to watch (don’t forget to turn on your speakers…or if you’re at work, turn them off)!  :)

Posted in Baby PhotographerBirth Photographer