I had my first (quickly followed by my second) cake smash portrait shoot today!  Gwyn was so funny–she did NOT want anything to do with the cake because it meant not being in her momma’s arms…until she tasted the frosting.  Then she got it!

baby portrait photographer cake props

Posted in At the StudioBaby Photographer


Alert the press:  at 10 months Lizzie no longer hates cameras.  Bernadette claimed that Lizzie’s camera-phobia seemed to be over this weekend, so I begged Bernadette to send Lizzie over to me and Ellie this week for a little camera time.   And it was true.  She was hammin’ it up!  (except for that one time when I made her touch grass and broke her.  but I fixed her up with a quick game of pattycake.)

colorado springs baby photographer

Hurray!  A happy baby and unseasonably warm weather–what more could you ask for?  A big thanks to Mrs B (Lizzie’s grandma), Gie and Poppie (Lizzie’s great-grandparents) for bringing Lizzie over!

Posted in At the StudioBaby Photographer


I got to meet 10 day old Sebastian this week!  He is just the cutest thing and it was so fun to photograph him!  Ellie was so excited that I was photographing a baby that she hasn’t stopped talking about it.  So much so that she was pronouncing his name correctly by the end of the day (having gone from “Baby Bastian” to “Baby Sebastian”)!

colorado springs newborn baby photographer

Posted in At the StudioBaby Photographer