Corre, Brock, and Noah were the first family shoot at the studio, and I couldn’t have asked for a cuter family!

We took Noah inside out of the wind for a few portraits!  :)

I love our field of dandelions and can’t wait to get a few more shoots in it before the snow sets in again.  Which should give us like a week and a half, right?  ;)

These next two were just begging for a wistful color treatment!

Posted in At the StudioBaby PhotographerFamily PhotographerReal Art


A quick post to start off a busy week!

Emily and Sean met with us last weekend and scored some GORGEOUS weather.  We haven’t had much luck in the weather department lately, but they had such a beautiful evening.  It was wonderful to be outside listening to the frogs and crickets with such a sweet couple!

Posted in At the StudioEngagement Portrait PhotographerGrown-ups


I’ve got lots of shoots to share this week!  First up are Jamie and Rick, who will be tying the knot in July! They are so sweet to each other and were totally willing to just roll with our less-than-ideal weather–let’s hope we were paying our dues for a very sunny wedding day!

Posted in At the StudioEngagement Portrait Photographer