I have been so excited to share photos from this wedding that they have been popping out in sneak peeks all over the place these past few weeks! Aly and Nick were so lovely to work with, so sweet to each other, that it almost wasn’t fair that the camera also loves them like crazy. (You can’t hear me, but I’m sighing little contented photographer sighs over here.) Nic and I were so excited to shoot at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Denver and are more than a little jealous that this incredible cathedral is Nick and Aly’s home parish! (There are a lot of Nic/ks floating around in this post so hang in there.) After their beautiful nuptial mass it was over to Hudson Gardens where we took some of my most favorite bride and groom portraits ever. So much so that I’m throwing tradition to the wind and leading with them. I just can’t wait to share!

With that out of my system we can go back to a more chronological sharing of this beautiful couple and their gorgeous wedding day!

The Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception is stunning. The stained glass is breathtaking and I can’t wait to return to share it with Will and Ellie.

Monet’s Place in Hudson Gardens was showing off that day and we amazingly had it all to ourselves!

The reception was full of so many smiles and displays of Aly and Nick’s love for each other and their family and friends. It was treat to capture it for them!
Posted in Wedding Photographer