
Real Photography closed in December 2014 and is no longer accepting clients.

Thank you for your support over the years! Please follow me at my new personal blog: to keep up with my latest photography, craft, and nursing school adventures.

I have a bunch of favorites, so I might spread them out into several days…get ready for baby fever. Your uterus will probably ache after seeing these. :)






Posted in Baby Photographer


Little Elizabeth was born Friday morning and weighed in at 7lbs, 13oz. Her parents had me come over Sunday, when she was just two days old! In fact, they’d only been home from the hospital for an hour or two when I arrived! Just a couple of weeks ago, this tiny thing looked like a bump on her mom’s belly:


It was an honor to get to spend part of Elizabeth’s third day with them. What a sweet angel she is–tons and tons of thick black hair, and lots of sweet little newborn noises. She has many out of town admirers, so I wanted to quickly post one of my favorite photos. She smiled for us a few times, and this was one of the bigger smiles!

We made some good memories–I hadn’t even fired off a frame before naked Elizabeth pooped all over her dad’s arm. While we were cleaning him up, she peed on her mom…and then as we cleaned that up, she pooped on her, too! We laughed a lot, and then got back to our photos.

Posted in Baby PhotographerMaternity Photographer

the face of surprise

Jun 22, 2007

brother and sister portrait

This is what happens when boys hug their big sisters with enough gusto to knock them over.

Posted in Child PhotographerFamily Photographer