
Real Photography closed in December 2014 and is no longer accepting clients.

Thank you for your support over the years! Please follow me at my new personal blog: to keep up with my latest photography, craft, and nursing school adventures.

wedding photography

Jul 31, 2007

Our two week trip to Seattle culminated this weekend with my sister-in-law’s wedding. Heather and my newly-minted brother-in-law, Erik, had a beautiful wedding made all the more special by the fact that they are one of the best couples ever. As Nic said in his toast, we’re big fans. :)

I discovered that I love wedding photography. As a bridesmaid, and mother of the ring bearer, I had my hands full and it killed me to be not have a camera in hand! I still managed to sneak in a few shots on the big day, including this one showing off the gorgeous Heather:


Heather and Erik live near Gasworks Park, which also boasts a great view of the Seattle skyline, so we ran over there with the wedding party to grab some photos. Heather’s veil flew away in the wind, and I caught her expression as it happened:


Because they love me, they graciously agreed to get back in their (sweaty) wedding clothes the next day so we could catch a few more photos. Here are the ones I couldn’t resist proofing after we flew home tonight (yes, I’m doing this at 2am). :)



They head off to their honeymoon tomorrow and we wish them a wonderful journey! We love you H&E!

Posted in Wedding Photographer

I’m looking for a few high school seniors to be my reps for 2007/2008. My reps will have their session fee waived and receive a mini album with prints from the session, rep cards with photos from the session to hand out to friends, and 50% off any other ordered prints. (all full–thanks!)

Posted in NewsSenior Portrait Photographer

more from this cutie

Jul 26, 2007

A few family portraits.




I’m not sure why I love this next one so much, but I do…I can’t remember if she was actually twirling, but it sure looks like she was!




Posted in Family PhotographerToddler Photographer