baby albums | colorado springs wedding photographer

Dec 29, 2008

This fall two new adorably little sample albums came in.  I’ve been meaning to share them here, but I actually have a backlog of album pictures to share!  Hopefully I’ll get all caught up in the next couple of weeks.

The first is our new engagement photo album meant as a guest sign-in book.  It took me a long time to come up with something that met my standards but is still affordable enough to be a guest sign-in book!  A custom designed 10 spread 5×5 album is $350.  We need about 2 months notice to have these in time for the wedding.




A sample spread:


The second is my new favorite product–the mini flushmount.  We’re been offering them all year, but I finally got our sample this fall and it is just so cute and little!  It’s barely bigger than an ornament!



I am really happy with the detail retained in even the smallest photos.


A sample spread:


Posted in ProductsWedding Photographer