family photographer | couple more personal shots from seattle

Apr 28, 2009

(Just a reminder that we’re out of the office until Friday, May 1st.)

A few personal shots from the Seattle trip.  First up, an image I’m really proud of:


I also really like this one…


Nic’s mom lives on Beaver Lake, which pretty much equals heaven to any kid.  He loved feeding the ducks popcorn (and stealing plenty for himself) with his Memere.

colorado family portrait photographer

Nic’s mom is the owner of the most patient cat in the history of the world.  It’s hard to believe, but I think Prissy actually loved all the attention. If Nic wasn’t so badly allergic, we would have stolen her and brought her back to Colorado. She sat in Will’s lap for storytime, enduring many many many hugs.

family portrait photographer

One of my favorite parts of the trip was watching Will play in the hammock and sing “rockabye baby” to himself.

child photographer

Off on adventures with an alligator.


Posted in Family Photographer