Danielle and Joe were married on an incredibly stormy day last month. So stormy, in fact, that while I was photographing their wedding, our house was struck by lightning! It was a one photographer day, so Nic was home with the kiddos and luckily everyone was safe, but the damage was a very dramatic reminder of the power of weather!
When I arrived in Manitou Springs the rain was so horrible that the parking lot of the Briarhurst was one large creek–rushing water 3 inches deep in all directions. To get inside I took off my shoes, tucked them into my raincoat, and ran into the building barefoot–wet feet are temporary but wet shoes are for the rest of the day! With dramatic rain and lightning and a tight timeline, the mood was a touch stressed…but just after the first look it stopped raining and they were able to have their ceremony outside after all and it worked out beautifully.
Enough talk. Time for photos of their lovely wedding! 

Danielle has a dance background, and it shows in her movement! As she messed with her veil while I changed lenses I said “WAIT! DO THAT AGAIN!” I’ve never seen anyone arrange a veil so gracefully!

Danielle requested this twirling pose, and with her ballet history and such a twirly dress, it was a perfect combination!

Snuggly portraits with the bride and groom before the wedding party arrived.

Joe and his groomsmen sharing a moment of prayer before the wedding ceremony.

I love white bridal bouquets. They’re so striking with their tiny pops of green! (And usually incredibly fragrant, too!)

Two shades of pink bows for the wedding programs.

I love how emotional the mother of the bride was as she watched Danielle walk down the aisle with her father!

With this ring, I thee wed.

Bubbles blown by the wedding ceremony guests during the recessional.

After the ceremony we had a few minutes for more bride and groom wedding portraits at Briarhurst Manor.

Another perfect pose for the ballerina! I’m sure I couldn’t pull that one off with such ease!

Joe’s grandpa shared some tales from Joe’s childhood that had everyone giggling. I’m pretty sure these accusing glances were from the story about how a preteen Joe discovered a topless sunbather and decided THAT was where he wanted to build his sandcastle that day!

Danielle’s dress bustled into one of the most fun shapes ever. I love a good bustle!

We ended the evening with a photobooth and lots of fun props.