Last month my friend Jamie’s second shooter fell ill, so I got to step in and be a Jamie Smith Photography assistant for Bob and Susan’s beautiful wedding at the Broadmoor.
Wedding Details Ceremony and Reception Venue: The Broadmoor Florist: Design Works
Susan’s wedding dress has been in the family for over 150 years. Every bride has worn it, though not without challenges! Women’s bodies (and undergarments) and changed a lot since this dress was worn by its first 16 inch waisted bride! Susan’s mom redid the bodice using some of the original bodice details. The Broadmoor was the perfect place for Susan to wear this vintage Victorian wedding dress! Due to the restrictions of the dress we weren’t able to do many portraits, but I can’t wait to shoot another wedding at The Broadmoor–I have so many ideas!

The moments before the ceremony in this beautifully lit hallway were my favorite. Susan had expected Bob to be extremely nervous, but instead she was nervous and he was fine! There was a lot of laughter as she worked through her stage fright. My favorite moment was after she spoke on the phone with her brother who had been hospitalized just days before the wedding. She was in tears and turned to Bob who was handing her something. I expected it to be a tissue, but instead it was a stiff drink! I started laughing about it and soon we were all in giggles!

Indoor Evening Wedding Ceremony at The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs

Wedding reception at The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs
If you’re anything like me, your heart might have stopped at the reception detail shots! I walked into the room and my first thought was “oh my gosh–I’m at Cinderella’s wedding.” My second thought was “Ellie is not allowed to ever see these pictures.” The tiffany blue, white, and cream wedding reception was the most elegant room I’ve ever stepped foot in and sure to give any girl (little or all grown up) serious wedding envy!
Posted in Wedding Photographer