If you are super observant, you might remember Laura from her brother Andrew’s wedding last summer! She was the beautiful best (wo)man, and I was so excited when she emailed and asked us if we’d be available to shoot her wedding this winter. I knew she would be so much fun to photograph again, and I wasn’t wrong!
My Colorado readers of course already know this, but for those that live in less freakish areas, on Thursday the recorded high was 71 degrees…but that night a winter storm rolled it and it was snowing by Friday morning and by Friday afternoon it was bad enough that Nic was on a snow release from work! (Gotta love spring in Colorado!) We had about 5 inches of snow at the studio and I asked Laura and Dan if they would be interested in taking advantage of it. They were, and I can only imagine how much fun they didn’t have driving down here to the Springs and then out to the studio. Snow is always so exciting to catch, though, so I’m so glad they made the trek down here Friday night!

Who doesn’t go swinging in the snow?!
How perfect are Laura’s boots for this shoot?! (She had the perfect heels at Ellie and Andrew’s wedding, too. I never forget good shoes.) 
When I suggested a piggyback ride, Laura said yes…but then confessed that she has a fear of being picked up. I figured things would go one of two ways: either it would be HORRIBLE and we might all end up in tears, or it would be ridiculous and awesome and full of laughter. It went the second way. :)

They totally belong in a J Crew catalog! (And I love Tess’s “snow beard” so much!!)

Earlier it was just a snow goatee….
Tesla got off her leash for a few shots…but she soon showed us that she would much rather run in the snow than pose for pictures! (Which was just fine with me–she didn’t even know what perfect shots she was creating!) I love that it’s so cold that you can see Dan’s breath in the fourth shot!
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