Ernest (or, “The Shahbaz” as he is better known in this house) is one of our “old Air Force friends.” So when we heard he was getting married (to the beautiful Kim we’d met over sushi right before we left Langley and moved to Colorado) we knew we absolutely had to be there. And when they asked us to photograph it, we were so honored!
Their wedding was in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware–where Ernest and Kim got engaged! We took some time before the ceremony for portraits and got to capture The Shahbaz at his most James Bond–totally rocking the classic tux. Kim was looking every bit the graceful elegant dancer she is in a totally stunning dress and birdcage veil. They made our job easy! So easy, in fact, that this sneak peek is a bit over the top–we’ve got over 30 pictures to share!

Kim’s dress had the most amazing skirt:

Kim is so graceful and elegant–she looks like she walked out of a Grace Kelly movie!

I saw this spot on our way back and we waited for just a bit of sunshine that would pop them from the background. It wasn’t the full burst that I was hoping for, but it will do!

Nic’s shot on the left, my version on the right…

Another one cause I can’t help myself–beaches are SO DARN COOL!

One of my favorites from the day:

Then the sun poked out from behind the clouds and we got to go for more drama. I love the way they posed so easily–we’ve got to get more couples that dance!

The wedding ceremony was beautiful and held at the Henlopen Hotel.

After the ceremony we went outside to the beach for a pebble toss. Kim had the best throw!

Remember how I mentioned that Ernest and Kim are dancers? Kim teaches dance, and Ernest has taught in the past…so when it came to the first dance, they told us that they hadn’t prepared anything because what they would want to do would go ALL OUT. So for the first dance they were just going to go up and have fun–nothing planned. Of course, their “nothing planned” was still straight out of Dancing with the Stars. Nic and I teased them that they were virtually impossible to photograph. With a normal couple, we get our composition sorted out and then just wait until the couple rotates into view. With Ernest and Kim, all bets were off. We had no idea where they were going to go next!

One of the best parts of being a guest/photographer at the wedding (other than the drinking and dancing) was our great angle on the action! Our table couldn’t have been in a more perfect spot for us to catch candids and toast shots throughout the night without being in the way of any guests! (Plus getting to sit down and take photos is pretty darn awesome.) :P

The mother/son dance:

The reception was AWESOME. Mostly because Kim and Ernest’s friends and family are just as fun as they are:

Our fellow Langley friends Alex and Karen, who GRACIOUSLY watched Will during portraits and the ceremony so Nic and I could both shoot. We love them. As does Will, who has mentioned at least twice a day since coming home “I go see Mr Alex?”

Behind the scenes…we had the BEST time at this wedding. We had the best food, the best company, the best dancing, and the best models for some seriously pretty wedding photos! Kim and Ernest, thank you so much for being such fantastic hosts. It was great trip!
Ernest shows off his cufflinks for the camera…

Nic helps Will with a critical “sand in shoe” issue:

Will thanks Alex for watching him…

Me and Willie get our dancin shoes on…

Will’s two favorite moves: wiggling all limbs and then simply running laps around the dance floor:

Nic and Will dancing…

And a last one to sum up just how the evening went for Will by the end. He was SO EXHAUSTED but just kept going. He refused to fall asleep and miss any fun until we got back to the hotel and all tucked in bed: