Every year I end up with a family portrait session that I want to make out with.  For 2009, this is the one.  I love it.  It says “loving family” to me and I want to make an album of it and put it on my shelf and pretend it’s my family.  Poor Jamie has been dying to see something, ANYTHING from her shoot and I just keep telling her “don’t worry–they’re awesome!!”  (She’s a lot nicer to her clients than I am to mine about getting sneak peeks up, I think!!)

I have friends who photograph a lot of photographers and I’ve always been jealous of them (a) because it’s a giant compliment when another photographer asks you to do the honor of photographing their family and (b) because photographers know the tricks.  They know how to dress, they know how to behave…they know how to BRING IT to the session to make sure it rocks.

Jamie and Brandon BROUGHT IT.  From coordinating everyone’s outfits around Mallory’s adorably colorful sweater, to setting the tone for the shoot by being super loving and fun…they were perfect.

Me?  I was a nervous wreck.  It has been a long time since I’ve been nervous before a shoot or wedding, but I tell you what–photographing a photographer is scary!  And then editing the photos is even worse because every time I saw a photo I would normally just LOVE, I loved it and then I critiqued it for what another photographer might find wrong with it and decided that I totally suck.  :P  I don’t think I’m cut out to photograph photographers…unless I want to have to start dying my hair a lot more often!  So to all you photographers who make it a habit, I tip my hat to you!








(ETA:  Oops!  This one got left out by mistake!)


Posted in Baby PhotographerChild PhotographerFamily Photographer


Kendra and I have been planning this shoot for a LONG time.  They actually booked it a full year ago, but we were hoping for snow, and we spent all last winter playing “is tomorrow gonna work?  will there be snow?  does the timing work for you?”  With my maternity leave coming up we decided that playing the snow game for another year probably wasn’t the best plan, and worked out a day where we could make it happen!

Be warned–Kendra and Dan are super cute.  Photographing Kendra was like photographing a model.  The photographer in me was like “this is so fun!” and the girl in me was like “I think we hate her!  She’s too pretty!”




Posted in Engagement Portrait Photographer


Hope your Halloween was as amazing as ours was!  (Although I hope you had more success buying pumpkins than we did–trying to buy a pumpkin on Halloween when all of the Springs is sold out?  Not smart!)

We put the moving boxes to good use this year and granted Will’s request to be Wall-E!


Posted in Personal