I photographed Sophie and Jack last summer and was excited to get to see how much they’d grown!


And Guess what?!  They’ve got a new baby sister!  A week after our portrait session last year Jenni found out she was expecting this little surprise!

child photographer colorado springs


When I asked Jack how he got to be so cute he said, “my mom.”  AHHHHH.


When we were done with the shoot Sophie and Jack asked if I could stay and play.  When I told them that I had to go, Sophie said, “Oh.  You have to go to work?”  I said “this IS my work.”  And she started hysterically.  “This is your JOB?!!” she asked between giggles.  “Pictures are your JOB?!!”  Followed by a lot more incredulous laughter.  I immediately called everyone I knew on the way home to tell them the story.  It’s become a new catchphrase in the Turchin household: “pictures are your JOB?!!”


Posted in Child PhotographerFamily Photographer