I photographed the cutest family this past week!

colorado springs family portrait photographer

I am so in love with this little boy and all of his cuteness!

colorado springs family photographer

And his big sister and all of her princess-like ways!

colorado springs family portrait photographer

They were rocking the mini shoot (which includes the digital files for 12 pictures) and it was so hard to narrow it down to 12, since they were all about being adorable. See?

family portrait photographer in colorado springs

Posted in Child PhotographerFamily PhotographerToddler Photographer


I …umm… found this video on You Tube today. It makes me laugh.

Please note that any resemblance to my child, husband, house or backyard is purely coincidental. I would never make a video montage of my baby falling down to end our annual home movie video…and if I did make such a montage, I would never burn a back-up copy, watch it six months later and catch the audio mistake half-way through that sounds like a burp but is really the mom saying “woah” and then try to go back and fix that mistake only to discover that the original files are gone and all that’s left is this defective version that refuses to present an easy fix. I would never do anything like that.

Posted in Personal


This weekend’s endless rain has reminded me that Colorado isn’t immune to Seattle-type rainy days.  I know that a rainy wedding is on the top of the “wedding day disasters” list, so I wanted to share some tips for making a rainy wedding fabulous.

Besides the obvious “have a back-up plan for your outdoor wedding” tips, I think there are a couple of things you can do to make rainy wedding pictures awesome.

#1:  Have a cute umbrella ready

Adorable, elegant, or just plain hilarious umbrellas can make rain on your wedding day kind of fun and exciting!  There are tons of cute umbrellas just waiting to make your wedding pictures pop, so having one that you love waiting in the wings could make rain not seem so bad!

Here are a couple of fabulous umbrella resources:

The Umbrella Stand

Pare Umbrella

Bella Umbrella has the most stunning vintage and modern umbrellas and parasols for purchase or rent.  (I can totally see parasols being adorable props for sunny weddings!)

#2:  Ditch the heels for rainboots

Is it just me, or can you totally see a bride holding a yellow umbrella with yellow rain boots peeking out from under her poofy white dress being the cutest thing ever in the whole world?!

Target has a ton of rain boots online from pink to polka dots to strawberries to these most awesome boots ever.

What a Pair has a giant selection of cutie patootie rain boots.

And if it were me, and I wasn’t doing the yellow boots/yellow umbrella thing, I’d be rocking these frog boots.  (Or maybe the ladybug or bee ones.)

#3: Have fun with it!

I think the key to any wedding day mishap (weather or otherwise) is to just have fun with it or around it.  (I can totally see a bride holding hands with a flower girl jumping in puddles.  With the dry cleaner passing out nearby.)  :P  As long as you look like you’re having fun, the pictures will reflect that!

Posted in Wedding Photographer