CONGRATS TO OUR WINNERS CINDY AND JOHN!! Thanks for voting, everyone! We look forward to next year’s contest!
Wedding photography the winner will receive. (link to our main site)
Whew! We received a ton of entries yesterday! (Here I was thinking Coloradans were shy–it turns out they’re just last-minute contest entry-ers!) :D
We had so many entries, and all of them were amazing, that it was very difficult to select the finalists. In fact, we had to bump up the number of finalists from four to six.
We felt like we knew each couple after reading their emails, so have decided that everyone has to win–at least a little bit. All of our entrants will receive either a free engagement portrait session or $300 off our wedding coverage. We thank everyone for entering and are sorry that not everyone could be finalists!
The poll is designed to only allow one vote per computer. Any couple suspected of cheating will be disqualified, so please follow the rules!
Voting will close at midnight on March 15th.
The Finalists…
Cindy and John – 23 August 2008
We quickly connected with Cindy and John’s story. Our relationship also began in college with our Air Force training (ours in ROTC rather than the Academy) and we had lots of long-distance times in our own relationship. And if that wasn’t enough to pull at our heart strings, Cindy and John are tanker pilots…and I have had an unusual love affair with tankers ever since my Aircraft Maintenance tech school (other maintainers thought I had it sweet working at Langley with F-15s and F-22s…and all I could dream of were KC-10s)!
My name is Cindy, and I would like to share my love story with you. My fiance, John, and I are both first lieutenants in the U.S. Air Force. We are both KC-135 Stratotanker pilots, and as such conduct air refueling for other jets. That probably makes us the highest paid gas station attendants in the world!
How We Met (or “The Usual He-said, She-said”)
John and I met a few years before we even considered dating each other, as freshmen (actually we were called “fourth class cadets”) at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Though I had worked hard to land a congressional nomination and appointment to the Academy, my first real exposure to the military and life away from my small hometown was a bit daunting. But I’d been running on sports teams basically my whole life, so joining the Academy’s cross country and track teams was my release. I found that running was the same no matter where you were. It was at one of the first few practices that I met John.
John was born and raised in central Florida, near Orlando. He was the tall, dark haired, stunningly handsome, and confidant guy you’d expect to meet in a beach town. I figured there would be no chance he could ever be interested in me. Years later he told me that I had caught his eye during those first few practices as well–me in my short running shorts and spaghetti-strap sports bra–but of course I had no idea at the time.
Time passed, and we became teammates, mere acquaintances–because I could never work up enough courage to really talk with him outside of practice. The next summer, my boyfriend-at-the-time failed to pick me up at the airport upon my return from summer leave at home in California. While I was on the phone with him, furious and stranded, John walked up to me in the airport and offered me a ride. I was embarrassed, but took him up on the offer. He was very pleasant and friendly, but I was sure he was laughing on the inside at me and my awkwardness. He tells me now that he had enjoyed talking with me so much, he decided then that he was going to date me someday.
Over the next two and half years I ran into him at various times. Every time we’d meet he would stop and ask me about things–classes, running, my family, my boyfriend–and he genuinely seemed to care. I’d always walk away thinking he was so sweet and sincere. Of course in my head I was swooning over the fact that he actually remembered my name! He says he was always scheming on how to take me out on a date. He wanted me to know that he cared, and to make sure that I didn’t forget about him. At long last, he asked me out, and we just clicked—chatting through our first date for more than seven hours!
Fast-Forward (or “Insert Complications Here”)
Two years later, the military put a stumbling block into our otherwise ordinary development as a couple. We were both in pilot training, and it was time for each of us to make some career decisions about first, what type of airplane to fly and second, where we each wanted to live for our first assignments (about four years). I came upon decision-making time first and though we were very much in love, we decided I should ask for assignments based on my personal preferences and we’d figure things out with us down the road. My first choice: Fly KC-135s in Mildenhall, England. And sure enough, I was granted orders to England as a KC-135 pilot! I was so excited.
Seven months later—more secure in our relationship and ready to commit—it was time for John to request his first assignment. His request: KC-135s to Mildenhall England, in hopes of following me. The tanker was not actually his favorite, but it might make it more likely for us to be stationed together. As we waited to hear the results of his assignment, I packed up my belongings, shipped them to England, and bought a plane ticket in preparation for my departure. Much to our dismay, John was given orders to fly KC-135’s, but in McConnell, Kansas. Instead of Great Britain, he would be living in the Great Plains. Now he was stuck flying a plane that would not have been his first choice, and we wouldn’t even be living on the same side of the Atlantic.
He had sacrificed a lot for the chance of being with me, and so I decided it was time I do the same. I requested my orders be changed to Kansas in order to be with him. John of course did not want me to give up England–he knew how excited I was for the assignment–but life with him in Kansas would bring me more joy than life alone in England.
I moved to Kansas in October, with the two small suitcases I had planned on flying with me across the ocean. With all the rest of my belongings already being shipped to England, I had no furniture and was even borrowing shower towels for months, but I knew I had made the right choice. Things started to fall into place in December. My belongings finally arrived back from their voyage to England (my couch is now more traveled than I am) and I settled into my new place. Then on Christmas Eve in my hometown, John asked me to marry him!
Our Wedding (or “Happily Ever After … Mostly”)
We will be sharing our vows in front of friends and family back where it all began—in Colorado at the Air Force Academy, in the beautiful Cadet Chapel on August 23, 2008. (If you haven’t seen it before, the Chapel is simply gorgeous–every photographers dream;) ) I couldn’t be happier with the way things have turned out, but there are still many obstacles in our future.
Long term, even though we are stationed together now, every re-assignment brings with it the risk of being separated. The needs of the Air Force will always trump the desires of the wedded members. We are thankful for our good fortune so far, and will never take it for granted! Wedding-wise, planning is kind of difficult. With my family living in California, his family in Florida, me in Kansas and him in Oklahoma (he won’t be moving to Kansas until a few months from now), all arrangements must be made via email and phone exchanges. As if that were not difficult enough, I will be deploying to the desert in a few weeks in order to do my part in the War on Terrorism. I’ve heard of brides planning weddings from Iraq, but that’s never how I imagined my wedding planning would go. I just keep thinking about heading down the aisle in my elaborate white dress (I’m thinking elbow-length gloves would go well with his crisp, navy-colored mess dress uniform, right?), with the colored light streaming in through the Chapel’s modern windows spanning the height of the majestic spires—and John ahead of me. With him by my side, I’ll always be home.
OK, so it’s a bit cheesy–but what’s a bride without her cheesy love story? This one’s mine!
Aubree and Zach – 5 July 2008
We loved Aubree’s creative approach to the contest–could it get any better than a poem? I love where she uses “berserk” to rhyme with “work.” That’s a bride we want to hang out with!

We met at our church.
Zack was the cute boy who I stalked.
One time after Mass,
in front of me he walked.
He got my e-mail address
and set up our first date.
We rode our mountain bikes
and Mexican food we ate.
Starting on that day
about a year and a half ago,
we’ve been inseparable
as this short poem will show.
We watch movies and play soccer,
play board games and go run.
We take road trips and vacations;
we’re always having fun!
Zack plays guitar-me, violin;
we’re both in the church choir.
Soon enough we realized
of each other we’ll never tire.
So things became more serious
after Zack said, “I love you.”
I started to believe this man
was my lifelong dream come true.
Atop Kenosha Pass
on a mountain bike ride
was where Zack proposed.
I’ll admit I cried.
Now he travels to New York
each week for consulting work.
It’s hard when he’s away;
sometimes I go berserk.
Meanwhile I teach sixth grade
helping kids learn to read and write,
and work on wedding plans,
making sure the details are just right.
On July 5th we’ll be married
at Most Precious Blood Catholic Church.
And there with friends and family,
I’ll end my husband search.
Afterward we’ll party
at Mount Vernon Country Club,
toasting, drinking, dancing,
and eating all the grub.
Zack can’t forget the date.
There will be fireworks each year.
Hints of our anniversary
will always be quite clear!
But how will we remember
the moments of that day?
We’d love beautiful photographs
without having to pay!
So we’re entering this contest
in hopes that you will feel
that we’re the couple of the year
and want to see our love is REAL!
Sarah and Dan – 20 September 2008
Who wouldn’t like a couple that has a picture of themselves shortly after sunrise?! (That’s right, I said “sunrise” not “sunset.”) I loved that Sarah’s well written entry had a theme. I happen to be sucker for a good theme (just ask my friend Laura who recently suggested that maybe Will’s second birthday party didn’t need to have a theme…)

There has been an uncommon thread throughout our relationship…rocks. As unromantic as this sounds, bear with us and we will explain.
Sarah is a Colorado native, born in Salida and raised in the Denver suburb of Thornton. Her education led her to the Colorado School of Mines where she earned a Masters degree in Geophysics. Shortly before graduation, she accepted a job that kept her in Denver.
Dan was born and raised on the southside of Chicago. He attended the University of Illinois where he earned a Masters degree in Architecture. A few years out of college, he was drawn to the natural beauty of Colorado and accepted a transfer to his company’s Denver branch office.
Luckily for our story, Tracy, one of Dan’s co-workers, is also a good friend and college roommate of Sarah’s and knew we had similar interests in rock climbing and outdoor activities. Tracy thought we would make a good couple so she organized a low key group ski trip to introduce us the first weekend Dan moved to Colorado. Needless to say, Dan was not aware of the plan. But Tracy’s plan was successful and we went out on our first date two weeks later.
Our love of the outdoors (and rocks) has taken us on several exciting adventures. It began with weekend camping and climbing trips in the Colorado mountains and has extended to the beaches and volcanic islands of Maui, Hawaii, to the rock arches and canyons of Moab, Utah.
Fittingly, our most recent vacation was to the red rock desert of Sedona, Arizona and the magnificent Grand Canyon. While hiking through Boynton Canyon in Sedona, Dan completely surprised Sarah with a different type of rock. A beautiful ring and a marriage proposal amidst the canyon walls made for the perfect beginning of our engagement.
So, as rocks have emerged as a common theme throughout our relationship, it is very appropriate that our wedding ceremony will be held at Red Rocks Park on September 20, 2008. Among the rocks formations, with the support of our loved ones, we will share our love for each other as well as our unusual thread.
The picture attached was taken on our vacation to Maui when we hiked the Haleakala crater after watching the sunrise.
Matt and Megan – 25 October 2008
Matt and Megan have your traditional “boy meets girl, boy dates girl” story…except with a thirteen year gap in the middle! We love their plans for a colorful Pittsburgh themed wedding!

First, let me point you in the direction of our wedding myspace page as it has a lot of information posted.
Matt (29) and I (soon-to-be 29) met in eighth grade when we both lived in Pittsburgh. We were friendly, but not friends, not in a relationship, just acquaintances. In tenth grade, my family moved to North Carolina and that was that.
13 years later and out of the blue, Matt wrote me a short, cute note reaching out to me on MySpace (note posted on our page). That note sparked and off we went. Four months later, Matt moved from Tampa to Denver. That was 2006. He proposed just last month and now we’re planning our —
October 25, 2008 wedding!
We will be married at Trinity U. Methodist Church in downtown denver at 4:30p in the afternoon. Directly following, we’ll party down at The Curtis Hotel!
Our colors are orange, navy, cream, w/ red, maybe some purple and of course, brown. (ha ha ha.) Pretty much all. The reception room will be filled with hundreds of balloons, we’ll have huge photographs of places in Pittsburgh blown up and framed around the room. There will pretty much be an underlying Pittsburgh theme all around (mini steeler footballs for the escort table…??) Table cards named after areas in Pittsburgh (Squirrel Hill, etc.) Place mats will be vinyl that we spray paint orange because —
My fiance, Matt, is really into indie music. He’ll probably set his turntables up, bring his records, and let anyone play. In addition, we’ll have an iPOD playlist and we’re asking people for song requests on our r.s.v.p. card so the floor will be lit up all night.
And I’m the kind of girl who WILL be dancing like a total freak all night. We were in Orlando for a family reunion a couple weeks ago and I stopped the dance floor in 3-seconds flat and formed a dance circle. I am very, very goofy.
First dance will likely be a mash-up off Marvin Gaye/Mary J. Blige’s ‘All I Need.’
Bernadette and Haydn – 6 September 2008
I fell in love with Bernadette at her consultation . Her infectious good humor, down-to-earth personality, and impressive knowledge of what’s IN in the photography world right now endeared her to me immediately! I can’t wait to meet Hadyn at their engagement shoot! (Bernadette and Haydn have already booked us for their wedding—we can’t wait!)

If you ask anyone that knows us what we are like- either individually or as a couple- a few words you may hear would be: goofy, funny, pranksters, silly, or mischievous. Growing up, I have always been the comic relief in my family. I am always laughing and doing things to make others laugh as well. When dating though, I never found anyone who “got” my sense of humor- let alone match it.
When I met Haydn though, I knew I was in for a dose of my own medicine! He grew up the same- always making people laugh, playing practical jokes with his twin brother, etc. We started laughing on our first date and haven’t stopped since. We have had what some may call a “whirlwind” romance. We knew within the first two weeks that we would get married. After 3 months we were engaged. Our friends and families were completely supportive because anyone who spends time with us as a couple gets it- we really were made to be together.
Humor is one of the main parts of our relationship. I truly think that if you can laugh together, you can get through anything. This became immensely apparent to us recently when I suffered a back injury. Since my accident, Haydn has become the sole provider in our household- working two jobs while I was on bedrest. After working 75-80 hour workweeks, he comes home and takes care of everything around the house- no easy feat at our residence either (we have 2 dogs and 2 cats).
His number one concern is always how Im feeling and how I am doing that day. He makes sure I have my medicine, and that I take it with food so it doesn’t upset my stomach. He runs a bath for me and helps me in and out of the tub. He has taken his vacation hours from work to drive me to and from dozens of doctors appointments so he can be there every step of the way. He’s had to dress me, put my shoes on, etc. My independence was completely lost and I depended on him for mostly all of my basic needs.
Most people would look at this as a chore, or get tired of my asking for help all of the time.. Especially on top of working such long hours and having to do all of the housekeeping. Not Haydn. Not only has he taken such good care of me, but he has made sure that we have kept our sense of humor throughout the entire process. When he knows I am in pain or depressed from being housebound, he will do whatever it takes to make me laugh and cheer me up. Whether it be something simple like a funny card, or one of his more elaborate tries to make me smile- such as making up and singing a funny song, dressing up in a goofy outfit, etc- he always succeeds and cheers me up. In fact, a few times I had to tell him to stop because it hurt to laugh that hard!
I am currently on the upswing of my injury. It’s a slow process but I am getting better. I can do a few more things every day, reclaim a bit of my independence. This experience has taught me two very important things- #1 that laughter truly is the best medicine.. And #2 that I am the luckiest girl in the world.
As we move towards our wedding date on September 6th and we plan the details, we both have agreed that photography is the most important thing to us. We are planning an incredibly fun and personal day. We don’t care about elaborate centerpieces or fancy invitations. We are looking forward to a day that is truly just about love. Our love for each other and for the incredible group of people that we are blessed to call our friends and family. To have wonderful photographs of this immense love that we feel would truly be a dream come true for us.
Clare and Vern – 7 September 2008
When I read Clare’s email, I knew she would be in the finalists. I love that their love story is different from your traditional fairy tale. It begins in heartbreak, but, as things always do, shows that situations work out for the best, even if it’s hard to believe at the time!

Our story is unusual. Vern was a friend of mine. He was married to my friend, a girl who was in the same theatre company with me. I have been friends with them for four years. In 2007, my friend (his wife) told me that she was romantically interested in a man in our theatre company. I tried to help her as best I could—I recommended that she and Vern go to couples counseling, that she tell him what was happening. She said she didn’t want to do that. She told me she had decided to leave him. And she did. They had been together for fourteen years, seven of which they had been married.
At the same time that was happening, I was in a relationship with a man who was a playwright and film director. We had been having problems because he was never around—always out of town, going to London, New York, Chicago, Amsterdam, you name it. I had tons of free time, and so I started hanging out with Vern and my friend Steve a lot. Steve and I were trying to lift Vern’s spirits, get his mind off of how sad he was. One day, on September 7th, Vern and I hung out alone. He took me on a motorcycle ride, which was so exciting! I told him I had never been on one and he totally surprised me with it! After that, we sat on his porch and talked till the wee hours of the morning. I realized when I got home that night that I was starting to fall for Vern. I broke up with my boyfriend. I went home to visit my family in Colorado. Before I left for Colorado, I got a letter from Vern in the mail. He said that I had put a hundred stitches in his broken heart. He signed it “with new and true love.” When I came back, the first thing I thought was “I have to see Vern.” Everything in me was pulling me to him. I went to his house straight from the airport.
From that time on, we have been inseparable! He lent me the book Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut, and mentioned that he didn’t think that kind of love existed in real life, until he met me. The book talked about “the nation of two”—the small world, and the only world, for the husband and wife in the story. I adored the story; it was perfect for us.
I started sending him postcards when I was in Colorado, and I still continue to do it, even though we live in the same town. He writes me songs, I write him sonnets. He comes to see my plays; I go to see his band play. We support each other. We believe in each other.
We will have a small wedding in my high school English teacher’s backyard. My parents are going to make chili and cornbread and we will have a string quartet. We are getting married a year to the day of that first motorcycle ride—September 7th—the first time we were alone together. It turns out that love doesn’t work by the rules, and that it takes you by surprise, and that it sometimes comes from the most unexpected places. Vern is the best man I know, and when I say forever, when I say that I will love him for the rest of my life—I mean it with all my might. He is the greatest and most unexpected gift of my life.