Christine, Matthew, and Christopher Gray (and their two mini schnauzers) are the winners of my September contest for a free session!
I photographed Christopher in one of my very first portfolio building sessions, so it will be nice to get him in front of my camera again!

What I didn’t know last time is his mom’s amazing recovery story. Four years ago she had multiple brain surgeries (following life-threatening seizures) that left her completely paralyzed. She had to learn to walk and talk all over again. Her husband (who is in the Air Force) proposed to her while she was still in the hospital. She was released after three months, but still had a year of rehab to complete.
Even then, they weren’t in the clear. While Christine was pregnant with Christopher, the doctors expected him to have Down Syndrome because of her medication. Luckily Christopher was born without Downs and he’s a happy little guy who is almost walking!
They haven’t had a portrait of their new family yet, so I’m excited to capture this happy time in their life as a way to celebrate all that Christine has conquered!
Posted in Baby Photographer, News