This is turning into the kind of blog I hate–the rarely updated, no photo kinda blog. Well, I just can’t let that happen.
Here’s what’s going on around here:
– First snow of the season on Sunday. “Woo-hoo!” as my son would say (Nic taught him to say that whenever it’s cold.)
– I have some very exciting things coming in the mail that will ensure that this blog gets the attention it deserves. I’d share the news, but that would ruin the surprise.
– I am watching Chuck while I type. Hence the spelling errors (if there are any). I am loving the new fall tv line-up. Chuck and Life are the absolute best. Journeyman, Bionic Woman, and The Next Iron Chef also get my vote. But if you aren’t watching Chuck or Life, you need to start.
And last, but not least, new photos from a new session!

Posted in Maternity Photographer