This is my new favorite photo from Heather’s wedding…maybe even of all time.
I love that Heather burst into spontaneous laughter and tossed her head back out of frame. I love that Will looks so happy to be with his Nan. I love that he is holding onto her finger. I love that you can see the detail on the outfit I so painstakingly made for him.
Will and his Nan-nan. It’s going up on our wall for sure.
I also found this one on my memory card:

Heather’s friend snapped it with my camera, and I love that he included a little bit of the two professional photogs snapping away! We look like a famous family, throwing the paparazzi scraps of adorableness.
And one final share of what is my favorite memory from the wedding–Heather’s first dance as a bride was actually with Will. He is a big dancer, and months ago we discovered that he adores the song “Suddenly I See.” The moment Heather saw the home video of Will dancing to it, she told her DJ that it had to be on the list of songs at the wedding.
The dancing hadn’t officially begun, though, when it was time to send Will to bed, so we requested it a tad early, and Heather and Will got to dance. They asked Erik to join in, and Will loved dancing with his Nan and Uncle Erik! When the song was over, Will looked at Heather and signed “more?” I can’t get over the look Will and Heather are sharing in this one. And Erik looks amused that Heather’s first dance as a married woman was with another guy.

Posted in Wedding Photographer