Ellie slept through the night again!
I, on the other hand, woke up four times. Once to catch Willie sneaking into our bed, once because my night guard was out of my mouth, laying on the pillow, stabbing me in the face, and another time to find my night guard completely awol.
I have been ignoring dentists for years about this night guard thing because I figured I’d take it out in my sleep. You cannot control a sleepwalker! But this time I gave in since the wear on my teeth was visibly worse from my last x-rays. They assured me that it’s not uncomfortable so I won’t take it out.
So then after losing the nightguard in the middle of the night I went back to sleep and no doubt ground my teeth twice as hard over it (and clenched my poor fingers into total agony) until I woke up again and tore the bedding apart to find it.
So that’s four wake-ups for Traci, zero for Ellie. How is it that my baby is better than I am?
Susanne - OMG, me too!!!! I don’t know what it is, but I really want chickens too. They are every where here. A lot of the pre schools have them. So does the children’s museum!! : )
stephanie @ providence handmde - SO super cute! We are in the process of moving to the country and chickens are at the top of my list. 🙂 I found you via Flickr, btw, and love everything you do – the photos, the sewing, love it all!!
Beth Moore - I don’t even like birds remotely, (their feet creep me out) but for some reason, the idea of having chickens is something I would almost be up for. Luckily for my husband, they aren’t allowed. And, that’s the cutest mug rug ever. The end. =)
Melissa - I”m with Beth. That IS the cutest mug rug ever. The end.
You really make great little mug rugs. 🙂
Kristie at OCD - Very cute! But I have to say, chickens (the live ones) FREAK ME OUT!!
Greenstylemom - I love, love, love my mug rug! I have it over my stove so I can look at it all the time. It just makes me SMILE.