I always thought that the reason my housekeeping skills were a little on the sloppy side was that I am a working mom. In the past, I’ve been known to go to bed, not only with the dishes undone, but the dishes still sitting on the table where we left them, with the dirty and half-full-of-now-spoiled-and-no-good-for-leftovers dinner on the stove.
It turns out that being a modern working woman with too many things to do and not enough time to do them has nothing to do with it. The reason my housekeeping was sloppy is that it COULD be sloppy. I could leave crumbs on the counter and not worry that they would be replaced by mouse droppings in the morning.
Women of the olden days weren’t BETTER housekeepers–they were SCARED housekeepers.
And nothing motivates you to clean the kitchen spotlessly like an army of mice waiting in the shadows.