I love resolutions, goals, plans. Somehow I am only finding out about the Make Nine hashtag on Instagram now, in 2020, but I am On Board!

For my Make 9 2020 I am planning to make the following:
- Quilt: in particular, finishing the ‘yearbook quilt’ I made as a senior in high school
- Christmas project: I have some gorgeous Christmas fabric that I never actually play with. 2020 is the year I bust out the Christmas fabric during the Christmas season!
- Dress: finishing the Comic Con dress I just need to put the various hems on. Coverstitch machine, I will learn to not be intimidate by you!
- Sewing cabinets: my sewing nook is a mess all the time because I’m constantly waiting to put a row of cabinets along the back shelf. In 2020 I will devote time and money to this Ikea-based pursuit!
- Sweater: I have a nearly finished sweater that has been sitting in a bag for years and years because I wasn’t happy with the first neckline and ripped it out. This sweater will be finished!
- Album: Complete the 2019 Week in the Life album (extra credit, complete the outstanding 2015, 2016, and 2018 albums, too!)
- Shirt: Sew a knit shirt using some coverstitch skills I’ll learn by finishing my dress
- Jesse Tree: Finish the Jesse Tree ornament collection once and for all!
- Garden planters: built two trex garden planters this winter for the spring/summer growing season