Me: Hey sweetie–go back to your bed. Will: But I had a nightmare! Me: It’s okay–it wasn’t real. Will: But a zombie killed Els! So Will finished the night in our bed. The poor guy was very upset–he mentioned it many times today.
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: UncategorizedThe sounds of make believe play. And then Will: ELS! Zombies don’t wear hats! Ellie: NO! Ellie and I were watching a little home video snippet on the ipad this morning and when it ended she said “Again!” Not “more” but the correct “again.” She’s such a little smarty pants!!!!!! Ellie woke up this morning calling Will “Buggy” which I quickly realized was ‘Buddy’ (which I call him all the time). Sadly “Buggy” is rapidly transforming into the correct “Buddy” as the day wears on, but Buggy is the cutest nickname for a big brother ever! pomm Means ‘open’ in Ellie-speak. I just figured this out and had a light-bulb moment! Yesterday I picked up Ellie from the neighbor (who watched her while I went to Will’s conference) and when I picked her up she gave me the 10 second rundown without me even asking “fun. kitty. show. eat-eat. play.” She learned “funny” right after “fun” and it is my favorite of her words. It’s so […] |