stress eating I gained 5 lbs last month. No one said starting a business would be easy, but they didn’t say I’d have trouble fitting into my favorite pants! Looks like Will and I will be headed to the gym this month…Heather fires any bridesmaids that turn into fatties, right? It’s a good thing my […]
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: Uncategorizedmonth 15, in which william discovers the naughty corner We have instituted time outs with William. I am a student of the John Rosemond book of toddler-training, and he says that the “twos” often start at 18 months…but William is advanced. If he can figure out how to work the lever on the dishwasher, he […] <!– –> burp. I’ve written about Will’s love of farts and burps before. He thinks they’re so funny. Last week, though, he took it to a whole new level. Nic burped, and Will laughed. And then he opened his mouth wide and tried to force himself to burp. I thought he was going to make […] so it turns out That a baby’s stomach is the exact size of a chocolate chip cookie. I learned last night why mothers have said “you can’t have a cookie–it will spoil your dinner” for centuries. I have never believed that saying. I come from a philosophy that believes that cookies take up zero room […] |