the case against third and fourth baby The case against Third and Fourth Baby struck another blow today. Within twenty minutes, Will had both peed in my underwear drawer (which I will grant you was not in the dresser where it belonged, but on the floor where it didn’t belong) and climbed over the gate […]
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: Uncategorizedmore on Halloween Will has added pumpkin to his vocabularly–it’s “pum” He also is sure that every Spiderman is “Gee”–his buddy Jameson from next door. There’s a big Spiderman display in the window at Blockbuster, and I could barely get Will to walk past it–he just wanted to stand and shout “Gee!” We saw another […] another almost word “bro” for broken. He brought me his battery operated train engine today with a pouty face and said “bro?!” Then he took me to the kitchen and handed me a screwdriver from the junk drawer. He wanted me to put in a new battery. So I did. And then sad pouty “bro” […] holy. crap. Check it out. Any of those photos look familiar? Feel free to vote for…ME this time!!! POSTED BY turchinfamily ON 08.23.07 @ 10:17 pm | 0 Comments hail storm This afternoon we had another epic plains hailstorm. Hail an inch and a half across. Hail that destroys plants. The minute it started, I […] head water It was raining last night, and, not having an appropriate sign, Will made up his own. He patted the top of his head, then signed “water.” Nic kept telling him “that’s right, buddy–that’s rain. It’s water that falls on your head.” POSTED BY turchinfamily ON 07.12.07 @ 6:32 am | 1 Comment facts […] three years I wrote this Tuesday but it didn’t get posted. Three years ago yesterday, Nic and I were married on a beautiful St Lucian beach. We swore we’d remember that happy day forever. Forever was just slightly shorter than we expected. Forever was two years. Yesterday began as any Monday. Will woke up, he […] |