guess who is on the first page in the #5 spot on google?! Me! Me, me, me!!! When you search for colorado springs wedding photographers…WE ARE ON THE FIRST PAGE!!! In the #5 spot! I am so happy–thanks if you clicked on our link! I have spent so much time on our googleability in the […]
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: Uncategorizedhappy friday Will’s sick and cranky. He woke me up this morning a all-painful headbutt to the eye. But I uploaded a cute video, so at least there’s that. POSTED BY turchinfamily ON 04.25.08 @ 7:03 am | 1 Comment a wonderful day We had a fantastically full day today. It started with church. We […] Will’s nightmare Will had a nightmare last night. I woke up to screaming at 11:30 and ran into his room, disoriented and a little freaked, and found him perched on top of the rocking chair in his room (not on top of the seat part, but on top of the highest back part) and still […] a funny misunderstood will word Another of my favorite Will words is “back.” He uses it totally inappropriately. It means “put” to Will, because he has heard me say (so many many times) “put that back.” Nic has been working with Will on this (“see? Daddy puts the ball IN the box. IN the box.”) […] for those keeping count… …we now have five brides who have requested information/meetings with us! POSTED BY turchinfamily ON 01.31.08 @ 12:47 pm | 0 Comments sick again I’ve been sick all week, so wouldn’t it figure that just as I am starting to feel better, Will comes down with it. We had a sore […] Christmas It’s the day after Christmas, so it’s time to write down a few memories from Will’s second Christmas before they slip through my fingers… Will’s two (literally) big presents this year were a trampoline and a tricycle. I wasn’t sure if he’d get really excited when he saw them, but I couldn’t have been […] |