keepin’ it real Sometimes the stories I want to remember aren’t the greatest parenting tales. But it’s good because when Will has kids I really won’t be able to judge. Because of mornings like this: Nic and I are working in the office. Will is playing downstairs. And probably getting into ice cream. We hear […]
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: Uncategorizeda,b,c,me That’s what Will calls the alphabet. When he wants to play letters he sings “a,b,c…ME” Or occasionally “a,b,c,b,ME” (because the song ends, of course, with “won’t you sing with ME”) POSTED BY turchinfamily ON 10.29.08 @ 10:00 am | 0 Comments you know what I wish Apple would do away with? The song count […] he is GOOD This morning, 8am: Will walks over to the freezer and opens it up and begins browsing. Presumably for ice cream. Traci: “Are you hungry? I’ll get you some cereal. Close that door.” Will looks at the door and back and me. Traci: “Will, close the door or you go to the naught […] “happy nan” Will has always been fascinated by emotions. Long (LONG) before he learned his colors, he learned “sad” and delighted in telling us about who and what was sad. But it was only just tonight that he added “happy” to his vocabulary. And suddenly the world opened up that much more. “Hap-hap-happe-hap-ha-hap-HAPPY NAN” he […] “what?” If you say “Will!” he answers “wha?” When he poops he calls his turds in the toilet sharks. If you try to take a piece of candy from him and he realizes he’s about to lose, he’ll run and throw it in ferret poop so you can’t have it either. His favorite song is […] an update on my little klingon Will took a knock to the head a month ago (he and Nic were running and Will slammed the door in Nic’s face, it bounced off Nic’s knee and slammed Will in the face). It immediately swelled up into a giant lump and he had a red line down […] |