sometimes he freaks me out a little The other night Heather and I were going over cookbooks, making our plan for Thanksgiving dinner and all the other goodies we are baking/cooking up this week. Nic was doing his best to feign interest when we mentioned our fruitcake plans. (We decided we wanted to try one. […]
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: Uncategorizedhalloween It’s Halloween, and it’s one of our favorite holidays. Mainly because Will loves pumpkins SO MUCH and costumes SO MUCH and we all love Papa Murphey’s jack-o-lantern pizza SO MUCH. Last year Will said “Happy Ween!” and “Trick Treat” and “Pums” and this year it’s all “Happy Halloween” “Trick or Treat!” and “Pumpkins” (or […] my belly Totally popped out last week. I went from being without waist to having quite the little round belly! It’s funny how it happens so suddenly. (I know this invites a whole ton of “we wanna see pictures” comments, but I’m just going to say this: we’re in the middle of wedding season, trying […] seriously looking forward to being three months post partum… …so I can sneeze without seriously considering trading in my stash of hanky panky thongs for a trusty pack o’ depends. POSTED BY turchinfamily ON 08.31.09 @ 7:36 pm | 1 Comment and the belly has arrived Nic hugged me yesterday and said “Ahhhh–your belly sticks […] true story We went to Costco tonight to look at a kitchen table and right across from it was a twin over full bunkbed. “That’s what we’re going to get” I told Nic. Thus began a debate about whether or not I can make a boy and a girl share a room. I say yes. […] excited We got a surprise ultrasound at my dr’s appointment today! I was so glad that Joan was here to see the latest ultrasound of the baby. It is looking much more like a baby–even moving its little arms and legs. When we told Willie that we were seeing pictures of the baby he said […] |