Maybe they won’t say no and maybe they won’t hurt your feelings. Will, after I explained that my meeting tonight was to see if some people wanted me to take their pictures.
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: UncategorizedThis afternoon we were 5 minutes late to preschool, so as I dropped Will off I got to see the kids and teachers in action. As Will washed his hands and picked out an activity, I watched a little boy get yelled at. He’d been sitting at the table and playing with some kind of […] maybe one day I’ll get over my extreme disappointment in myself that this shot is out of focus. maybe one day I’ll get over my extreme disappointment in myself that this shot is out of focus. (Note: No blog entries in July 2010) will’s first day at the “big school” I just dropped Will off at his first day at his third (and final) preschool. He has been soooo excited to go to his “big school” and was excited to see his new friend Diego, whom he met at orientation. What […] standard issue I think everyone should be issued a little boy like Will. Someone so full of joy and love. He is such a sweetie. Last night my little moth came in and asked if I would rub his back and sing him a song about a jelly bear. Since I don’t know a […] |