Will to Ellie “Eloise! Eloise! Do you wanna have some fun?!!!”
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: UncategorizedEllie can say ‘princess’ and ‘pizza’ but they both come out “pizza” Sometimes when Ellie’s sad but not super into the drama of it she says “cry” in a whining voice and signs “cry” (basically you sign tears running down your face). It is the cutest form of crying ever. Ellie peed on a public potty yesterday. This is a big deal. Because she has been potty trained for 3 months, but in those 3 months has refused to pee on a public potty. She’ll demand to be taken to one, sit on it for 5 seconds, announce she’s done…and 5 minutes later demand to […] Last week I was cleaning in the kitchen when I heard Ellie crying in an “I’m trapped” sort of way. It was coming from upstairs, which wasn’t surprising since she often goes upstairs to look for me, finds that I’m NOT upstairs, and then cries for me to come find her. (While she can walk […] Ellie is sitting at the kitchen table ‘playing’ with Will’s legos. She’s taking the larger pieces and flying them through the air singing “zoooom! zooom!” This follows a morning of toddling around singing the Darth Vador theme song (dum dum dum, dum dum dum, dum dum dum). Just more evidence that Ellie has been raised […] |