The look Nic gave me at dinner today when I was describing what exactly is involved when an OB strips someone’s membranes makes me think that when I’m an L&D nurse I won’t be allowed to talk about work while he’s eating…
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: Uncategorizedhappy. very happy. 🙂 the amount of paraphernalia required at bedtime and naptime with Ellie is getting ridiculous. Here’s what she currently requires: 3 binkas 1 book 2 baby dolls 1 teddy bear 1 doggie 2-6 blankies. This week Ellie has been putting more and more words together. Today we sent Will off on the bus for the first time since the long Thanksgiving break and as Will walked toward the bus Ellie shouted “Bye Woahwee! Have a good day!” Granny and Poppa left today. Miss Ellie took it HARD. Kept saying “Ellie go” as they packed up. Pointedly told ME “Bye!” as they walked out the door. Clutched onto Granny with iron strength as I pulled her away. After they left Will asked, “Ellie, why are you sad?” Her answer: “Poppa. Bye. Granny. Bye.” […] All little girls are “ewwie” all little boys are “buddy” all men are “daddy” and all women are “mommy” |