Because her two-ness just might cause me to jump off a bridge if I didn’t know for a fact that (a) Will was just as bad and just as frustrating and seemingly just as headed down the road to a life of a hideous brat villain the likes of which the world has never seen […]
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: UncategorizedEllie was playing with her doll in the kitchen. As I walked by I might have farted. A few seconds later she looked at her baby in amusement and said “baby fart!” As a little girl I used to pray so desperately for a white Christmas, but (at least as far as I can remember) Seattle and England never gave it up. I don’t know if I will ever get over the thrill of living in place that routinely provides gorgeous snowy Christmases. We’re getting our […] Will wants to be a farmer when he grows up. This is the first time (that I remember) that he’s really settled onto an idea of what he wants to be. He’s really excited about making vegetables and selling them to people. Of course, he’s also entirely certain of the idea that he wants Ellie […] We have had two car crashes and two hospital visits in an ambulance. From four separate occurrences. I attempted to do battle with a curb today. So upset with myself. It snowed a decent amount last night, but Woodmen was completely clear and I’d been cruising on it for 15 minutes and was just totally […] Today we went to Eddie Bauer in Briargate. The last time we were there was with Granny and Poppa. So we walk in the door to the shop and Ellie starts shouting at the top of her lungs “GRANNY!” “POPPA!” as if they have simply been stuck in the checkout line for the last two […] |