When Will looks back on his childhood and remembers all the times I was cranky or short with him, the times I ‘mm-hmmed’ his stories or was “too busy” to play leggos…let him also remember that on the night when he lost his first tooth, I sprinkled tooth fairy glitter on his pillow…knowing full well […]
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: UncategorizedTonight I made popcorn. But the pan I normally use was dirty and since I can barely stand up right now (thank you mystery illness) I used a different pot. It didn’t turn out well. Back on the sofa, Will says “what’s that smell?” I say “popcorn, but I burned it.” He disappears to go […] My current favorite Ellie phrase: “What you say Mom? What say?” (just like her brother says “what did you say?” all the time). Although a close second is the way when she’s coming to find me she shouts “COMING! COMING MOM! COMING! COMING MOM!” as if I’d been calling her. Age Will was when he started to have opinions about what he’d like to wear: 5 Age Ellie was: 22 months Amount Will cared about this opinion on a scale of 1-10: 3 Amount Ellie cared about this opinion on a scale of 1-10: 42 Yesterday I thought it was so cute because Will came […] fact number 88 about ellie: I wish I’d named her Mildred. (a) maybe she’d be less of a pain in the ass and (b) everyone and their mom has a kid named Ellie now. It’s lost all its vintage charm. Millie, on the other hand, remains vintage and off the beaten path. fact number 87 about Eloise: she often smells like mens deodorant, since she loves to steal her daddy’s deodorant and rub it on herself. |