Will has been playing outside in the sandbox this afternoon. Happily singing, have ‘tea parties,’ and suddenly I took a closer look at one of his toys. He was playing in the sandbox with one of our stemless wine glasses. I can only imagine what the neighbors must say.
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: UncategorizedMommom. Mom-my. Mom. MOMMOM. [arms outstretched] Canyouhelpmeup? I am not making this up—the kid busts out these entire phrases on occasion. It’s CRAZY! it’s been snowing all day. it makes me smile. When I was little, I liked to eat waffles frozen. They tasted better to me than when they were warm. A few years ago when Will was in full day preschool, we were usually dashing out the door right at 8:30, and one day, realizing I hadn’t given him breakfast but he was going to […] ellie (as always): “whassdat?!” me: “peas” ellie: “whadyousay?” I looked at Nic, eyes wide, waiting for him to confirm that our 14 month old just said “what did you say?” He nodded. (For months we’ve joke about Will’s ever present “what you say to me?” replies and apparently Ellie has decided that “what did you […] A wonderful lazy Friday. It’s 1:00 and we’re all still in our pajamas. I just laid Ellie down for a nap, past her normal nap time, but she’s been playing so happily with Will that I couldn’t stop them. Will went into her room when she woke up this morning and they played for 25 […] |