Ellie occassionally swapps woah-wee for William. It is very very cute to hear her say his long name! She is picking up baby signs at an astonishing pace. She’s got please banana shoes socks coat love you wind And her spoken vocabulary just gets bigger every day. One of the things that I love about […]
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: UncategorizedTonight a client hurt my feelings, so now I’m considering whether it would be bad parenting to wake up Will so he can love me and I can be the best person in the whole world in his eyes. I think the very best part of being a stay at home mom is that Will and Ellie are together all day. When Ellie goes down for her nap, Will is like a lost puppy, constantly asking when she will wake up. (And often helping the process along.) Today I was putting on my makeup […] Will: When I grow up, can I marry Ellie? Me: IF you still want to marry her when you’re grown up, you can. Will: Yeah. Cause she’s the only girl I like. Me: That’s nice. Will: Yeah. She’s the most beautiful girl I like. We’ve been on this path before, so I wanted to be SURE that Will had a name before I reported that he was finally SOMETHING in Ellie’s vocabulary. She’s had a few times where she would call him something a few times and then drop it for months. But on Wednesday last week when she […] like a dog bringing me her leash, ellie is forever bringing me her shoes and saying “outside” or “bye” |