Ellie has even more signs and words in her repertoire. ‘help’ is my absolute favorite because of how darn useful it is! I love that she says the word and signs at the same time—I don’t have to worry about her being a late talker at all! ‘doll’ was said/used for the first time yesterday, […]
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: UncategorizedWill and I like to make up words. Will’s favorite/most used word: imaginate. verb. to imagine. As in “but I was imaginating that I was a pirate!” (also works in the past tense as “Look at this beautiful picture! I imaginated that I was a king!”) Mine: disgustified. verb. to make disgusting. As in […] We have taken to putting Ellie in Will’s shirts for bedtime. It is adorable. But it does make her look like a boy Today I bought Will a $0.25 bucket at a garage sale (he’d just been saying this morning that he needed a bigger bucket for sand castle building) and a $1.50 shovel on clearance at Target, and he has spent the last 3 hours in the sandbox. That works out to a babysitter at $0.58 an […] At bedtime I have been signing “love” to Ellie as I say “I love you.” She started signing it back to me a few weeks ago, which I was very excited about. This morning I could tell she was ready for her nap about an hour and a half ago, but she was playing nicely […] It’s hard to imagine life before Ellie’s sing-songs and babble. |