I love my kids so much that sometimes I think my heart is going to explode. Just in case they ever wonder.
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: UncategorizedI let the kids take a bath with my fancy bubble bath soap. They now smell so good I could eat them up. for many reasons, not least of them that Will used to go to school during Ellie’s long nap. But all summer he has moped outside her door for the majority of her nap, more often than not waking her up. When he starts kindergarten he’ll be gone all morning and get back home just in […] It’s been two days since Ellie peed in the potty. She lets me know she has to go, she sits on the potty, happily singing to herself nonself tunes (exactly like Boo in Monsters Inc) then tells me she’s done and 10 minutes later pees on the floor. SHE HAD THIS. And now she’s just […] …I hear “MOM! ELLIE MADE A BIG PILE OF PEE ON THE FLOOOOOR.” We are on day 7 of the potty training journey, and we just had our first 100% successful experience. Ellie was downstairs with Will watching The Little Mermaid. I heard her come up the stairs calling for me, saying ‘ut oh’ and signing potty once she saw me. This is not unusual—from the second day […] |