Will is learning to read, and for the last couple of night we have been reading Go Dog Go together. I am loving it. I feel like the legwork was done in kindergarten the last two weeks and all of a sudden it has clicked and he is ready to take off!
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: UncategorizedWill never took to a ‘lovey’. As much as I hoped he’d adopt any one of the numerous adorable stuffed animals as his number one guy, he never really took to any one in particular. He loves quilts, and insisted on sleeping under a bunch of them, but no one in particular was his Linus […] i’m happy. i love my kids. my house is getting under control. i’m rocking my class. i’m up to date on my accounting. i am wearing my skinniest of skinny jeans AND eating popcorn and chocolate thanks to villa. i have faith that everything will always work out to be okay. This month Ellie added “no” and “mine” to an extensive vocabulary that previously included only words like “happy” and “sunny.” The terrible twos are starting early. Although I do like it when she calls Will “my woahwee” One of the many funny things Ellie does is saying “oh yeah” in the same obnoxious way as the villain in Despicable Me. Sometimes she has the ‘uh huh’ at the front. I need to get it on video before she stops doing it! I was upstairs, Ellie and Will were playing downstairs. And then I heard “MOM! ELLIE’S PEEING ON THE POTTY! YOU GOTTA COME SEE THIS!” By the time I got downstairs she had hopped off and was tossing a ceremonial bit of toilet paper into the potty before flushing. She’s never gotten up on the toilet […] |