He’s off to the zoo with a friend. It took so much courage to allow this! I’m imagining every major calamity, from Will’s abduction to his not saying ‘thank you.’ This ‘letting go’ that is required in greater and greater degrees just might kill me.
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: UncategorizedWhen Ellie has to pee, she’s happy to do it while you wait. But you know she needs a little more time in there when she sits down on the potty, looks at you, and says in a happy sing-song voice “bye. bye.” which is your signal to leave and wait outside the door until […] Will watched The Cat in the Hat this week, in which there is a reference to a ‘dirty hoe’ (there being an actual dirty hoe in the scene). But Will took to the saying as his new catchphrase and we are working VERY hard to make sure ‘dirty hobe’ isn’t the latest thing in Mrs […] So, Els—what do you want to do today? Overheard from the back seat on our drive home from our hike+lunch. When she doesn’t feel well, she gets gropey. The sicker she is, the more gropey she gets. She’ll snuggle in close…and slowly put her hand down your shirt. Tonight Ellie fell asleep sitting upright on the sofa between Nic and Will while they played Mario Cart after dinner. It was one of the cutest things ever. |